Showing posts with label Spoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spoon. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pretty Close to a Dream Lineup

At least until the Lassie Foundation comes to Chicago.

April 4th. The Vic.

White Rabbits.

The Walkmen.


All on the same Goddamn night. Thank God for internet pre-sales.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Top 10 Albums of 2000 - #3: Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

Now we get to a band who's sound has really evolved over time. Their very early work was much more Pixies influenced, much rougher. It's a sound so foreign to their newer fans that they don't even play stuff from Telephono in concert anymore, or at least they haven't at any of the shows I've been to in the last few years.

The result of that evolution is Gax5, and it's arguably their best to date. I say arguably because I think it's a question of peak value vs. consistency. "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb", "the Underdog", and "Finer Feelings" are as good as anything they've ever done, and maybe the best three songs to appear on the same album. That said, I don't think it's consistently good as Gimme Fiction. Start to finish, I'll take their last album. I'm not a huge fan of "the Ghost of You Lingers", "Eddie's Raga", or "Japanese Cigarette Case", and they tend to stick out surrounded by such excellent tracks. But the quality of those top three, along with "Don't You Evah" and "Black Like Me" push this into the upper echelon of 2007 releases.

Here's Don't You Evah, Black Like Me, and Cherry Bomb.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Spoon: A Quick Recap

  1. First time at the Riviera. It's right around the corner from the Aragon, and they're both very convenient for me by train, which is nice. It's kind of like the Vic, only bigger. Not so much side to side, but it extends back farther, and the balcony is larger. But if you get their early enough to see the opening act (I was there about 10 minutes before they started), you can get up pretty close on the main floor.
  2. Ponies: They were OK. Better than Liars. Somewhat entertaining, but I was tired, and I just wanted Spoon to start.
  3. Spoon, not surprisingly, were very good. They've been at this a while now, and they now how to put on a good show. They played for about an hour and ten minutes, left briefly, and did a three song encore.
  4. Interestingly, they played the initial set album to album. Nothing from Telephono, which is kind of a bummer, but they played two from Series of Sneaks, and then proceeded to go through each album playing three to six songs before the set ended. As such, the out of order setlist isn't as out of order as usual.
  5. Incomplete and out of order setlist:
    1. Utilitarian (opened with this)
    2. The Minor Toughs
    3. Anything You Want
    4. Me and The Bean
    5. Fitted Shirt
    6. Small Stakes
    7. Stay Don't Go
    8. Someone Something
    9. Vittorio E.
    10. Johnathan Fisk
    11. Beast and Dragon Adored
    12. I Summon You
    13. I Turn My Camera On
    14. Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine
    15. Don't Make Me a Target
    16. The Ghost of You Lingers
    17. Don't You Evah
    18. Rhythm and Soul
    19. You Got Yr Cherry Bomb
    20. Black Like Me
    21. The Underdog
    22. Chicago at Night
    23. The Way We Get By (closed with this)
I would like to have heard My Mathematical Mind and Finer Feelings. And I'd love to someday hear them do stuff off of Telephono. I have a feeling that people who have discovered Spoon recently would be surprised at what their early stuff sounds like, especially stuff like Not Turning Off, Nefarious, and Government Darling. Would like to have heard Car Radio and The Guestlist/the Execution from Sneaks as well. But there's only so much time.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

More Coming Attractions

Interpol @ The Aragon - October 11th
"Mammoth" from Our Love to Admire

Spoon @ The Riviera - October 12th
"You Got Yr Cherry Bomb" from Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

New Pornographers @ Metro - October 18th
"My Slow Descent Into Alchoholism" from Mass Romantic

The Raveonettes @ the Empty Bottle - October 19th
"That Great Love Sound" from Chain Gang of Love

Rogue Wave @ Double Door - October 24th
"Publish My Love" from Descended Like Vultures

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Is this thing still on?

Motivation is lacking. I can't quite explain why. It's just really, really easy to stop blogging.

Anyway, in the midst of what seemed like a really rough stretch, the Angels have made it to the first week in August with a four game lead, picking up another half game by defeating the vaunted Red Sox, a team whom others expected to sweep the Angels, primarily because the Angels, the fifth best run scoring team in the American League, have no offense.

Quite honestly, these are good examples of why my motivation to provide what can loosely be described as original content has waned considerably. Long time readers will acknowledge that I can be a tad bit negative when the Angels aren't playing well. But I look like a goddamn Pollyana compared to some of the more popular members of the halosphere, and it's bringing me down.

So while I've still been watching every game, at least when not playing golf, my desire to jot down my thoughts has more or less disappeared for now. Partly because there are other people who have that covered, and I'm not really sure how much more I add to the discussion.

Anyway, if this passess, it will be back to normal around here. For now, blogging will remain intermittent.


And a little flashback: